Next Steps
“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” - Proverbs 16:9
Identity- A New Year Resolution
Somehow, deep down in all of us, there is this profound understanding of ourselves that defines who we are. We have come to understand this as our identity.
I Hate My Family
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” - Luke 14:26
Timothy Series: Veteran Missionary
“Prayer might be the most important thing you ever do.”
Timothy Series: Grandpa
What I want to do in this post, and hopefully more to follow, is share some wisdom with you that has been passed down to me from older, wiser men, who have walked with Jesus faithfully for many years. I hope this will encourage you in your journey just as much as it has mine.
Be a Joseph
We do not know a whole lot about Joseph and his life. In fact, for such a big player in the biblical narrative, we know very little. Yet, his life is quite remarkable. And it got me thinking, “I want to be a Joseph.”
“Think about such things.”
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” - Philippians 4:8
The Cost of Discipleship
“That’s the price of having friends that are obedient to the Lords call.”
Reflect - Remain - Relinquish
A few years ago I gave a message that I entitled “Look Back, Stay Present, Surrender Your Future.” It was such a good message that I’m sure every person in attendance is still thinking about it to this day. Okay, it is probably just me.
In the Clouds
We walked in the clouds. WOW, what a sight. We were hiking up Mt. Etna a second time, because it was so much fun we had to go up again on our next rest day.
“Piano, piano.”
This Italian word “piano” is the English word for “floor.” For example, my family lives on the “piano terra,” or ground floor, of our apartment building. For my American friends, this is not to be confused with the first floor.
The Ladybird Spider
Recently, my family and I finally explored Mount Etna by hiking the Schiena dell’Asino trail. We have incredible views almost daily of the volcano from afar, but we had yet travelled up the mountain for a family hike. Little did I know, during this hike God would put something on my mind to share with you. And it comes in the form of a spider.
Website Changes: Explained
Let’s be real, it isn’t really necessary to give an explanation for the changes I made recently. Aesthetically speaking, there are a few things that still need to be done. And chances are, most of you won’t even remember what the original website looked like anyways. Then again, I don’t write out of necessity. So, I thought I’d go for it anyways.
Website Under Construction
Over the next several weeks this website will be going through some changes. Some will be obvious. Others not so much. I am choosing to keep this page public while the changes are being made.
Set Your Bar Higher
Mark 10 details an exchange between Jesus and a young man. The question this young man asks Jesus is, on the surface, a very good question. But what else does it reveal?
The Path of Least Resistance
Have you ever watched a small stream of water? Think about a stream in the woods behind your house, a small river, or even the water on your city streets after a hard rain. Pay close attention to it.