“Hey, thanks for checking out my website. It is my prayer that in some way you are influenced, developed, and encouraged in your pursuit holiness as you check out these pages, and especially the blog. Holiness is all about cultivating a perfect love for God and neighbor. It is something only the Holy Spirit can do in us with our participation. I do not claim to have attained what John Wesley and others have called “Christian perfection,” “entire sanctification,” or “perfect love.” In fact, more often than not, I feel far from it. But I am on the journey. I believe the world is in desperate need of more passionate followers of Jesus who are actively pursuing holiness together. One way the Holy Spirit works in my life is through the simple question, “Are you willing?” My response to that question, and yours as well, is our participation in the process of sanctification. Holiness may begin in the heart, but it is played out in what we call life. Holiness is not a status we achieve through what we do. It is simply our response to what Jesus is doing in us, through the Holy Spirit, all for the Father’s glory. That is my aim. I would love for you to join me on the journey. I just have one question for you…

Are you willing?”

- Eric Harbin

Eric and Rebecca, along with their three children, currently live in Catania, Sicily as missionaries with One Mission Society.